November 19, 2010

Sisters....Sisters...Everybody Ought To Have A Sister!


 My totally awesome sister is currently driving up for the weekend to see me! Oh, we're gonna have a grand ol time... We're going to:

The Bijou Market
( the link above and you can see it too!)

The BYU Football Game
Hopefully we don't freeze to death

The Forbush Family Restaurant
It doesn't get much better than Sunday Dinner w/ Tom & Rox!

...Plus a mixture of shopping and movies I'm sure! Oh.... and she's bringing up all my Christmas decorations and ornaments. Yay for Christmas season almost being here! Me and Dan are gonna get a real LIVE tree!

Drive Safely Sister!

1 comment:

  1. Great…now I’m going to be singing that song all day. Hope you two had a grand old time. The only thing that would have made it better is if I was there *wink* wink*
