December 5, 2011

Christmas Time Is Here By Golly...

...Disapproval would be folly, deck the halls with hunks of hoolllllllly... (sister, that was for you!).

In other news, it's Christmas time!  I know... I'm about a week and a half behind.  But no worries, we did start our season on time.  It's just the blog that lags!

The day after Thanksgiving Dan and I set out to get a Christmas Tree!  And we don't mess around.  Real tree, yessir.

The previous Wednesday as we ventured out for dinner we walked by a Christmas tree stand.  (They are right on the sides of the street here in New York).  We met Francois, a Quebequer Canadian, who comes down to sell Christmas trees for 5 weeks before Christmas.  He was awesome.  He talked to us for over 30 minutes about selling Christmas trees.  He told us about a drunk guy trying to steal a tree, and claiming it was "escaping" when confronted.  And one year some guy tried to steal Francois' radio, sawing through the chain holding it in place, while he was asleep in his chair 6 feet away!  We had a blast talking to him.  We tried not to feel too special, since obviously being friendly is how he sells Christmas trees, but it worked on us!  We returned on Friday to purchase our lovely little tree.

Francois and our tree!

Meet Francy!  Named in honor of Francois.  She's no Butterball... definitely needed a name a little more elegant, a little more feminine.  It took awhile to decide, but Fancy Francy, welcome home!

We decorated our tree (and apartment) Sunday evening.  There wasn't a ton of extra space, but with a little ingenuity and a few command hooks, we made it work.

With the Nativity on the TV, the awesome German advent calendar my Dad sent us, snowmen that remind me of my feels great in here! However, of everything we put up, this is, by far, going to be my favorite view of the season.

November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

(I decided to do a second post for Thanksgiving, since the previous was getting lengthy!)

After the parade, we headed home to make some carrots and sunday pudding for a Thanksgiving potluck!  There were a few couples from our ward and a couple people that go to Columbia law school with one of the guys.

*Special thanks to Kristy for the Pictures!

We had all the classics: Really good turkey, glazed carrots, sweet potatoes, fruit salad, cranberry glaze, green been casserole, mashed potatoes, soup, and  gravy!  It was delicious!  Dan and I both really enjoyed getting to know everyone, and become better friends with people in our ward.

And of course, we finished up with PIE!  And sunday pudding, because well, it's a Forbush tradition!  Yes, those are my boots in the corner, waiting patiently for the picture to be done so I could start in on dessert.

Thanksgiving has a way of making you feel grateful.  Imagine that.  I would describe our feelings this Thanksgiving as a "content" gratitude.  We couldn't be happier with our life lot right now.  We love being in New York and the adventures it is bringing, and we couldn't be more blessed by God and by our family.  We're best friends, we're in love, and we have literally nothing left to ask for.

Our wonderful Thanksgiving was followed by a wonderful weekend.  Cleaning, hanging pictures, Christmas tree buying, and decorating!  And some good ol' fashion hangin' out.  Doesn't get much better.

~Feeling Nothin' but Lurve this Thanksgiving~

Thanksgiving Parade

We had an awesome Thanksgiving weekend here in the Hanks household.  Due to Dan's test, he only worked on Wednesday, so it felt like a super long vacation!  Well... maybe not for him.  But we did enjoy our super-long weekend!

Since we're in New York, we decided we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  We woke up at 4:45am (did we go to bed early to compensate?  Of course not), bundled up, and headed out to find a spot with our friends Kristy & Bryson.  

Dan entertaining himself, waiting for out train.

After a couple spot switches, we found front-row seats!  Not that we got to sit.  I swear the number of people quadruples once the parade starts.  And I tell you, you have to be tough to hold your spot.  It's one thing when little kids are trying to sneak in...they make you feel guilty.  (Though, not guilty enough to surrender your spot.  I may or may not have thrown a few elbows.)  But what about an old dude with a folding chair?  Oh yes, he squeezed through to the front 30 minutes before the parade was supposed to start and tried to park it right where we were going to be sitting.  And was insistent. Luckily, the guys (and the overprotective mothers surrounding us on all sides) were more insistent. 
Waiting for the parade to start.

Bryson & Kristy

Bundled up!

The coolest part, though, happened at the very beginning of the parade.  The very first person in the parade, a clown helping pump up the crowd, asked to take a picture with Dan!  Everyone was taking pictures of him, and he wanted one with Dan!  Apparently he is from San Francisco, and Dan was wearing his SF hat.  And he wasn't the only one who found Dan irresistible.  For whatever reason, every single parade walker decided they wanted to throw confetti at Dan.  Seriously, in his face, in his mouth, right at him, every time.  It would have been more hilarious if I wasn't standing right next to him.  You can see plenty of confetti on me in the picture below.

Lots of pictures of our favorite balloons and floats!

* "Hey Dan, I think Kermit wants to tell you something!" * Oh yes, that is Niel Diamond looking straight at us! * Dan, watching the smurf * 

The NYPD Mount, Band, and Motorcycles, along with Dan at the very beginning of the parade!

And of course, SANTA!!!  This was the "classic" part of the parade for me, since it's featured in Miracle on 34th St.  I loved the "Believe" balloons.  Perfect way to transfer from thanksgiving and usher in the Christmas season. 

November 18, 2011

Kitchen Cart

I've been scouring craigslist for several weeks for a kitchen cart to put next to our fridge for more counter space (and storage).  I love craigslist.  It's like going  So much nervousness when you find one that looks perfect, and so much excitement when you go see it and it is!  And then more nervousness when you try to haggle a lower price...and then excitement again when you succeed!

Can you see where I'm going with this?  I found the PERFECT kitchen cart last week!  It was the last real piece of furniture on our list (and it was a definitely a want, not a need) so I'm feeling pretty spoiled.  Here is a quick "before" of our makeshift counter-space and storage:

...and AFTER!!!

Yes, I made the "after" picture bigger.  Why not?  It's the more exciting one!  We got a steal of a deal too, 45 bucks!  Similar ones are usually at least twice as much, and new ones are four to five times that much! 

Oh, you're curious how we got it home?  We did debate trying to take it on the subway or bus, but decided to go with a taxi.  Dan lured one in from the main street, and convinced the guy to let us put it in the trunk, promising a good tip.  The trunk didn't close, but it worked.  Plus we had an awesome conversation with the cab driver about religion and New York.  (Dan is very friendly, and great at talking with people).  And even after delivering on our hefty-tip promise, the cart was still less than most (and better than all) other carts I'd seen. 

I love it. I can prep meals, get things out of the fridge, have all my baking stuff handy, use my crockpot without putting it on the trashcan... the list goes on!  It looks pretty spiffy, too.  I took some inspiration from Pinterest and hid the organized-yet-appears-messy rolly-cart on the far side of the fridge. Rolls out when I need something and back for out-of-sight storage.

Anyway, new things are mostly only exciting for the person who gets them, so thank you for letting me share.  I promise one day I'll have pictures of our entire apartment, but for now at least you're getting pieces!  

November 16, 2011

Chili Cook-Off

Our ward hosted a Chili & Pie Cook-off last Saturday, and I figured, what better way to ensure I make myself go than to commit to bringing Chili!?  We have an amazing family recipe, so I couldn't really turn it down.

I love to make this chili!  It's got everything that makes cooking fun...adding a bunch of chopped stuff to a pot, sprinkling in spices straight from the containers, tasting as you go, the satisfying "schlurp" as you stir, a heavenly smell, and an amazing end product.

I don't know how to compare the satisfaction.  It's like making "concoctions" in the mud as a kid, adding all sorts of whatever, stirring it all up, and having a heaping pile of stuff!  No pressure of exact measurements, and having a tangible creation... am I sounding crazy yet?  Maybe I just get rush off of cooking in bulk.  (But most likely it's the "schlurp".)

Mushrooms are slippery little buggers!  I figured out the easiest way to slice them... on my second to last mushroom.

Yeah, I have the Slap'N Chop.  It doesn't get better for dicing. Especially for onions.  (Though, I still where my swim goggles when I cut them.  Go ahead, you may laugh at the picture in your imagination.)

Yums, turning into Noms!

Here's the recipe if you are interested.  It's a family classic, but not a family secret.  We love to share the goodness with the world!  I was too lazy to type it, so let me know if you can't read the picture. 

A few notes... this chili makes a TON!  As you can see, I had to use two pots since I don't have a huge chili pot.  Unless you're feeding an army, I'd suggest halving the recipe. You will still have plenty for leftovers.  Also, this is an "add what you want" recipe.  Tweak as you like!  My mom actually had to sit down and figure out quantities few years ago, as it's kind of a "dump and go" deal for her.

Luckily, I put some in the fridge for Dan and I before the cook-off.  The ward managed to finish off my 6-qrt crockpot, along with the other 20 chili's and 12 pies. Never seen such a turn-out.  But hey, it was free food.  Apparently we have a smart ward!

November 12, 2011

Date Package

My mom is notorious for sending me packages. Always has been, starting at girls camp and continuing all through college. The majority of them containing a pair or two of socks. And...I LOVE it! Luckily, this habit of hers hasn't changed since getting married!

Seriously, not much can make you feel more special than a surprise package...where there could be ANYTHING inside. It's excitement. In a package. Every time.

Here's out latest. Date Night, delivered right to our door.

There were two packs of M&Ms too... those didn't last 5 minutes.

Thanks Mom!

November 8, 2011

9/11 Memorial

Last week (2 weeks ago?) my cousin Malissa come in town. We had her and her friend stay with us, because really, what good is having family in a cool city if you can't crash with them to save on hotel costs!? (Please, take that as an open invitation!)

Awesome cousin that she is, she reserved tickets to the 9/11 Memorial for us. Even MORE awesome cousin that she is, she waited with me for an hour so Dan could come after getting off work earlier than expected. Check out this site for an overview of the design.

It was really a neat experience. And I'm actually glad we ended up waiting for Dan (besides the obvious reasons). It was beautifully mesmerizing at night. The lights from the memorial, surrounded by the lights from the building; it was awesome. 

And the memorial itself was humbling. You can see in some of the pictures that the names of those who died are engraved around the edges of the memorial pools. There is no particular order, and no other identifier. Dan and I were both struck by the equality and the perspective represented. There was no way of knowing which was the CEO and which was the janitor. The only thing you could know about each name was that they were a person, a person who lost their life in that very spot where we stood. A person who left behind a life and loved ones. Those names serve as a blazing reminder of a bigger picture, a larger perspective. One that places no meaning on social status and job title. 

Here are a couple pictures of the waterfalls, flowing into a square void, over the foundations of both towers. (One you can see the names lit up around the edge). Below is a description of some of the symbolism of the pools.

"The massive reflecting pools surrounding the footprints of the twin towers serve a two-fold function. They highlight the voids where the towers once stood and, they provide a soothing backdrop, as the water falls down from one level to another, providing an appropriate contemplative aura. At the pools' edges, the victims' names are etched in bronze.

Michael Arad explained his intention and the importance of the highlighting the voids with water in Places magazine: "My idea was that you would be able to stand on the plaza above, and look down into the north and south pools. I thought the edge of this void would be where you would come to understand the enormity of the event, and of the destruction." (Places, May 2009) The impact, indeed, is just that. The depth and the breadth of the voids are impressive and visitors cannot help but be struck with awe, standing at the edges of the dramatic waterfalls.The water falling down from the ground level pools recalls ancient symbolism and the connections between water, death and memory. As Phillip Kennicott of the Washington Post informs, the ties between water and death go back to the ancient times: "Without reference to any single myth, the flowing waters suggest the River Styx, the boundary between life and death in Greek mythology. They also suggest portals, or whirlpools, through which one might pass to some unknown beyond, or the waters of death crossed by Gilgamesh in the old Sumerian epic."" -Source
All in all, a wonderful evening. Thanks Malissa... you da best!

November 1, 2011


 I decided last minute to throw an impromptu Halloween party for Dan and me. We already had plans watch Hocus Pocus (he'd never seen it! Gasp!). But I walked by a 99 cent store in the morning, decided to check it out, and became inspired. A few cobwebs, streamers, and home made decorations later...

Yes, we even had a pumpkin patch on our bed! Due to a certain movie due back at midnight, we didn't have time to carve our pumpkins (aka draw faces with black marker). But we still have pumpkins floating around... maybe we'll save them for Thanksgiving decor. 

Funny story, a girl buzzed up and came to my door looking for donations for a charity. Part way through her shpeal she looks inside and says "cool decorations". Ha, I felt silly admitting I did it all for my husband and me. I let her think I was throwing a party... for more than 2. 

 Hope you all spent the evening doing something you enjoyed. We sure did!

October 26, 2011

New Fridge!

Our landlords replaced the old beast of a fridge in our apartment. Picture a very large, very old, white brick. I mean it was nice a spacious inside, but it's not like you shop in bulk in the city. Presenting, the new fridge; or "Lil'-Guy" as we like to call him!

Our kitchen feels huge now. Well, relatively. But we love it! By the way, enjoy the sneak peak inside. I'll try hard, but I doubt the inside of our fridge will ever look that nice again.

October 23, 2011

Here's To A Weekend

A weekend of relaxing, sleeping, and spending time with my very best friend.

Thursday night there was a knock at the door (not gonna lie, I was a little scared, since we have a buzzer to let people in the building first). But there was Dan, standing in the hall, flowers in hand, looking as handsome as handsome gets. 

Dan's scowl face. (He wanted a picture of me with the flowers, not him). 

Dan surprised me by coming home early from his business trip. So nice, since out of the past 5 weeks, we've been together about 6 days.

In other news, I'll try to get a post with pictures of our apartment soon. I know it's over due. But I think I'm almost ready now. (I rearranged the furniture in Dan's absence...a little habit I picked up from my mother). Until then... a pretty sweet view from one of our windows...

October 14, 2011

Welcome to the 21st Century!

Yes, that title is in reference to myself. After probably 6 years of waiting... I finally upgraded my phone. It all started out with this...

SLVR anyone? Man I miss that little guy.

But I wore him till the buttons cracked and fell off. Not impressed with any of the phones that were out (and facing a fear of cell-phone-commitment) I opted for a $20 Go-phone from Walmart until I could find a phone that I wanted. Three years later... my go-phone went no-phone. I got a $11.88 replacement to last me until...

Cue angelic "aahhhAAAHHH" reveal music

Did I get absolutely no sleep last night in anticipation?
Did I show up at the store at 6:30 to be 15th in line?
Did I meet some crazies and make friends with a nice Korean man?


I caved, I went mainstream, and I love it! Oh, oh! Did I already wear the battery down playing on it all day? Yes I did! 

I know, I'm a little behind the times. But it's still fun!

This is a little bit what I feel like to be honest: (Think Pink Dress=iPhone; 60s=21st Century)

Don't mind the words in the middle. I used a free video editing program to just get the parts I wanted. It may look sketch when you watch, but it's pretty dang good from what I started with. Trust me!


September 22, 2011

Missing Dan

Dan's out of town for the week on business. Okay, it's more like a training for his group nationwide. (Still cool, and very "working man" of him!) He comes home tomorrow night. But did I tell you? I'm leaving for California tomorrow morning. Yes, for two weeks in fact. That's three weeks apart. Which equals roughly 5% of our marriage. Sad, right? We think so. 

People just don't come more handsome than this guy.

Forgive the blurry picture. It was his first day of work... and I didn't want to get out of bed. He's such a bread winner! The only bummer thing with his job, this post title may not be too uncommon. Ah, well, guess I'll just have to get to know NYC. Can't complain too much :)

September 20, 2011

I'm An AUNT!

Levi Galen Strautman
Born September 19, 2011 6:29pm
8lbs 10oz, 20.5 in

Doesn't he look like he has a world of knowledge and things to tell you? I can also see a "please, just don't take my blanket off" type look. I have a little niece and nephew by marriage that I adore, but this is this first one on my side of the fam! Oh my goodness, I can't even describe how much I love him already. And I have only seen pictures! I'm antsy out of my pants to get to California though! Only 4 mores days until he meets his very favorite Aunt in the world!

Until then... nothin but lurve for my lil Levi pants Leevster! 

September 16, 2011

Central Park

I think one of my favorite things about New York is going to be Central Park.

I made my central park debut the other day, right out with a couple hundred other seasoned runners. It's crazy how many people there were, but I started thinking about what it might be like if Provo (and all those trying to stay fit for the opposite sex) had only one place they could run. It will probably be the same. On a side note, a couple things I noticed:

1. Running weird is not uncommon. Seriously, I was a little baffled at how many people run funny. So then I became self-conscious about how I run. But have you ever tried to watch yourself run? Trust me; if you run strange, you will most definitely look worse trying to figure out if you run strange.

3. I'm in no place to cast a stone, but there is a sizely group of runners that think if they have a healthy cardiovascular system, they are in shape (and look good)...and therefore flaunt it. Actually, I'd rather not see your sagging arm skin, stretched out belly skin, or chicken leg thighs. Either tone it up, or cover it up, I say.

But I digress...

Those aren't the reasons I think I'm going to love Central Park. For all the bad hype it gets in movies...(I'm envisioning Home Alone here) it really is a beautiful park. But what makes it so awe inspiring is how big it is. If you took a forest and a park and combined them, it would be Central Park. Seriously, it's huge; trees everyone, roads running through it, tons of walking paths, random ponds and reservoirs... but it's all manicured...unlike a forest. That's why it looks so cool, I think! It's beautiful, huge, and manicured!

Listen to this, from the Official Central Park website (seriously, check out the site. That alone makes me excited!):

"Conservancy crews care for 250 acres of lawns, 24,000 trees, 150 acres of lakes and streams and 130 acres of woodlands; install hundreds of thousands of plantings annually, including bulbs, shrubs, flowers and trees; maintain 9,000 benches, 26 ballfields and 21 playgrounds; preserve 55 sculptures and monuments, as well as 36 bridges; remove graffiti within 24 hours; collect over 5 million pounds of trash a year; and provide horticultural support to City parks."

Go them!

And I probably don't have to mention the cliche surreality of escaping the concrete jungle into a natural haven in a matter of steps. But I will.

I do plan on spending a lot more time in the park. Maps don't seem to help a ton. On my run, I followed the little loop from my plans and exited when I thought I was close to our block. Turns out I ran too far. After trekking back up (ahem) 34 blocks...I reviewed a map. Either I have no idea where I ran, or else I'm in much better shape than I thought. Unfortunately this wasn't a one time mistake. The other night Dan and I decided to cross the park to the East side to pick up our rental truck for couches. We entered the park on the West side, reviewed several maps on our way, and exited on the very same side... 4 blocks south. Yes... I do think I'll plan on spending more time getting to know Central Park.

Ps... this is the best picture we have of the park right now, from Top of the Rock... oh yeah! See that upper left hand corner area of the park? Yeah, we live there. No, not IN the park... we aren't that poor. Yet.

Nothin' but lurve... from NEW YORK!

September 9, 2011

Dan Post #4

OK so obviously we aren't the most prolific bloggers in the world.

Here's a quick update (sans pictures) of what's going on in our lives.

We spent 2 weeks in California with Becca's fam and had an amazing time.  Doreen spoiled us as usual.  The days were just packed (that's a C&H reference for those who aren't fans of the greatest comic ever drawn).

We went to Hollywood, danced on the edge of the Hollywood sign, rode the Ferris wheel on Santa Monica Pier, went bowling with Glenn and Becca's Grandpa, and I spent lots of time (but not enough) learning about how cars work from Glenn, the all-knowing guru of everything automotive -- scratch that, he's more like the all-knowing guru of everything.  I got to work on his '67 Coronet that he races in his spare time.  Consider me converted to classic cars.  (I'm still not 100% converted to MOPAR but Becca's working on it.)

We went swimming with the Cristales kids - Becca's cousins.  Never in my life have I seen kids with so much energy and so little fear.  Seriously, all four of them of half human, half fish.  My arms and back were so sore the next day from throwing them and wrestling in the pool that I could hardly lift my arms above my head.  So much fun.

We played Wii with Elizabeth and Chris, went swimming in their neighborhood pool, and ate lots and lots of great food - including all-you-can-eat sushi and Fry-Bread Tacos.  We also got our tails whipped in various games including Michigan Rummy and Monopoly.

Becca did a bunch of stuff without me - wedding showers, baby showers, etc.  I stayed home and watched football, tennis, and Storage Wars.  I'm not a big old films guy but we watched a movie called "Support Your Local Sheriff" with Doreen and Glenn and trust me - it's hilarious.  Although I'm sure it's funnier watching it with Glenn.  Speaking of watching things with Glenn, we watched one scene from Despicable Me at least 6 times one night.  "It was your cousins idea!" - "Whaaaa???"

Did I mention we went to Disneyland?  Well we did and it was incredible.  I haven't been there since I was 8 or so.  The Tower of Terror still scares me to death.  I could spend a paragraph talking about each ride - especially the ones that made my weak stomach almost explode (here's looking at you, Space Mountain).  I was introduced to the ever complex and fascinating underworld of Disney pin trading.  I was blown away by the quality of the shows there - specifically the Aladdin Musical (Broadway quality no joke) and the four man bluegrass band.  Oh, and of course, Becca's uncle, Farley the Fiddler (Gary).  He's worked there for years and basically has the coolest job in the world.

We took a break from Disneyland to go see some of Becca's family friends practice for their bluegrass style band (think Nicklecreek) in Anaheim.  I think that may have been my favorite part of the entire trip.  Fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo, and none other than our very own Glenn on the Bass.  Those guys have a talent I'll envy for the rest of my life.  I took a video I'll have to post sometime.

We moved to NYC last week.  It has been crazy.  A big thanks to my friend Matt for moving his stuff with us and splitting the cost.  We shipped our stuff via ABS Shipping in one of their freight trucks which was considerably cheaper - and very easy - for anyone considering a move soon.

Way too much has happened in the last week or so to write with the time I currently have.  We had a fantastic time with my parents and managed to go to a concert, a show, a musical, and a baseball game.  We also went to Jimmy Fallon, visited the sets of various TV shows, and made our debut TV appearances (Fox News baby!)  Also, my mom almost ran into Al Sharpton going into in elevator and had no clue who he was.  Unfortunately they only brushed shoulders.  I would have loved to have seen that exchange.

We ate in the revolving restaurant on the 47th floor of the Marriott Marquis.  We got lost multiple times on the subways.  We saw Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  We ate breakfast at McDonald's three days in a row in order to use their free internet.  We walked through Harlem to get to Target.  I subsequently banned Becca from ever doing that again.  She's fearless - me, not so much.  She takes the bus from now on.

Our craziest adventure was, hands down, moving an 8 foot bookshelf we bought from Brooklyn to the Bronx.    We took 4 trains and 4 buses to get to Ikea and back (FYI, that's twice as much as needed, we got lost) all while I was carrying a 70 pound 8 foot (boxed) bookshelf and Becca was carrying a 5 foot mirror and ironing board.  Oh, and I didn't mention, it was POURING RAIN the entire time.  By the time we got to our place on Duke Ellington Blvd, Becca and I were sopping wet, the box was falling apart, and my arms were about to fall off.  Getting that thing through the bars of the subway entrance was the hardest (and most comedic) part.  Needless to say, I married the coolest girl in the entire world.

Pheww...  More to come.  I've got to figure out how to get some couches 9 blocks up to our house.  My wife talked me out of carrying them.  Prob'ly a good thing.

Sorry for not updating this more.  I start work on Monday and Becca's already working here and there remotely so no promises it will get better.  We're tryin'!


June 20, 2011

Dan: Post #3

And now for the third installment of Dan's Blog Posts.  Becca and I have a major blogging weakness.  We don't carry our camera around with us all the time.  I would say half of the time by accident and half of the time intentionally.  Without further ado, here are a few pics from this summer with captions by yours truly.  I'm sure Becca has posted some of these so sorry for any reposts!

 Hiking in St. George.  We've been doing lots of hiking lately.  Becca kicks my butt as usual.  Best part of this hike - Becca getting spooked by a rat/mouse/squirrel/"What the H is that thing?!"

 We love our apartment.  It's the best apartment I've ever lived in hands down.  It's called The Cottage and we are going to miss it when we head to NYC in a few months.  We were talking one night in our front room when we were treated to our own fireworks show out the front window.  "Cottage, you've done it again!"

Some flowers that reminded me of Becca.  Had to buy them.  The next morning I knew I had made the right choice.

Get home at 9:30.  Here loud rock music echoing through south Provo.  Throw on sweatshirts and walk towards music.  Walk to the top of parking structure - still no clue what's going on.  Find thousands of people and the Neon Trees giving a free summer rooftop concert.  Glad I had the camera in my pocket.  Great band.  Amazing girl.

If you've ever tried to shop for or with me you know it's the pits.  Especially if you're trying to find stuff for me.    No joke I would rather read the dictionary than go shopping for myself.  (Shopping for Becca is a million times more fun and entertaining.)  Well I've had the shoes in the middle since my mission and they were pretty much the only thing I wore.  So comfortable.  I was wearing them up until the day before Becca convinced me I looked homeless.

 Had to get a pic of Becca opening this package from her mom.  She gets so exited!

Another reason to love The Cottage.  The roses that frame the steps to our door.  Never seen anything like them.

Becca rockin' out to Neon Trees!  (Note: She's not that white in real life.)

I hiked the Y!  Finally.  Becca carried me the whole way!  (Not really but she could have...)  It started to rain which was perfect.  See the crazy girl in this pic?  She loves the rain.

Playing with our underwater camera with the fam.  Seriously it's the coolest camera ever.  We always forget it can go underwater and then, when we remember, we get excited all over again!  Thanks Doreen!

Hottie boombalottie.

The view from our room.  That's me filling up. 

Natalie flyin' solo.  My fav quote from her: "Mom, I'm going back to Jeff's...."

Hiking with my best friend.  I have no clue how I got so lucky.  We almost died on this one (ok not quite that bad)...a little bit of unexpected rock climbing.  I learned two things: 1. Listen to Becca when she says to climb the other face of the canyon and 2. Becca is fearless.  So much fun!